Harris County, TX, has an active property tax protest scenario. Residents are very aware of their right to protest their property assessments. With ~1.1 million single family homes (state property type code A1) , they form the largest class of properties in Harris County.
With the objective of understanding the protest scene quantitatively, we at squaredeal.tax, looked at protests for Single Family Homes from 2017 till date. Here are our findings:
Let's look at what data says:
However, you should seek help from a property tax agent when your property:
Explore our list of top 20 property tax protest companies in Houston and how they did in 2024.
In sum, homeowners who protest by themselves:
Stand a better chance of reducing their noticed value.
Get more dollar reduction!
Are more likely to resolve their protests informally.
Get to keep more of their tax savings!
This is a win-win for both homeowners and the county.
More homewners should protest! Filing a protest is easy. Just check your property for reductions on squaredeal.tax and file your protest online at iFile.
Want to save on your Texas property tax?
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Data for this analysis were sourced from: HCAD Public data.
Similar analysis of Harris CAD data by others:
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